Pet Cancer Awareness Month

November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month.  This terrible disease accounts for nearly 50% of all disease-related pet deaths each year.  In fact, pets are diagnosed with cancer at roughly the same rate as humans.  With these statistics we want to ensure you have the information you need to ensure your pet remains healthy and happy. […]

‘Ask A Vet’ on Local 6

ThePet Alliance of Greater Orlando announced today the creation of a content sharing partnership with Central Florida CBS affiliate WKMG Local 6.  Veterinary experts from the Pet Alliance will be participating in a weekly “Ask a Vet: Your Well Pet” segment aired on Local 6 to discuss veterinary medical issues to help pets and the […]

Protect your furry friend

Many believe that because cats are finicky eaters they are poisoned less often than dogs. However, with their curiosity and fastidious grooming, intoxication is, unfortunately, not uncommon. Factors such as body size, hiding habits and lack of certain liver enzymes can make them more sensitive to poisoning than dogs. Cats can be poisoned a number […]

Pet Dental Health Month

February is National Pet Dental Health Month.  Unfortunately, most pet owners are not aware of how vitally important oral health is to their pets overall health.  Small steps at home can make big impacts in preventing big problems below your pets gum line. At home care is best done by utilizing the professional prescription veterinary […]

Talking Dog: What You’re Really Saying

By Executive Director Kerri Burns Most of us have heard about reading a dog’s body language: ears flat back means they are fearful, ears up means they are alert, tail low and wagging can be a good thing, growling can be fear or aggression, and when a dog’s body becomes very stiff and tall, this […]

Our Commitment to Rescuing Animals in the Community

By Executive Director Kerri Burns The problem of dog and cat overpopulation has existed for decades in Central Florida. Animal homelessness is an issue that needs education and community assistance. For many years our community has been in the dark on the gravity and complexity of the issues that we are facing. Everyday sheltering, whether […]