Thank You Fosters Parents! You are helping Save Lives!

With so many people at home during April and May, many trading their office desk for makeshift home offices, the world’s new normal wasn’t the most natural of transitions. But still, many people wanted to find a way to fill their days at home helping the community. One way many people chose to do that was by fostering a dog or cat from Pet Alliance. 

During those two months 334 animals spent time in a foster home. With the community’s help, Pet Alliance was able to keep the number of animals in the shelter very low. This helped minimize the number of staff onsite and provide a comfortable place for these animals to ride out the pandemic. Below are spotlights on two of our foster volunteers.

Gabrielle and Cody

We became dog foster parents at the beginning of April. Since then, we have fostered three lovely ladies so far; Storm, Luna, and Daisy!

Cody and I grew up with family dogs and have a passion for animals but with a very busy work schedule we felt we didn’t have enough time to balance everything and a dog. During the lock-down we both started working from home and we thought it would be the perfect time to open up our home to animals that were looking to get adopted!

The best part of being a foster is when the dog has been with us for a little while and feels comfortable enough to open up and really show their personalities. I am so glad that during the search for their permanent home we can hang out with them in a relaxed home environment. And hopefully it resembles what will soon be their permanent home!

If you are thinking about becoming a foster, we say go for it! There are so many different dogs out there with so many different personalities and you might be the exact person they need during a relatively stressful time. We have seen just how many dogs and families Pet Alliance helps and we are happy to be able to be a small part in helping out this community!


I have never fostered any animals before this, however, during my childhood and as a teen in Northern Italy I rescued and bottle fed some kittens. We were a cat-friendly family and, over a couple of decades, we had dozens of cats. In the mid-nineties, we finally found a reliable veterinarian who offered spaying services, which helped put an end to the periodic merry explosion of kittens. 

I always wanted to have animals around. However, as a full-time researcher and university professor, I spend most of my time at the office and need to travel nationally and internationally multiple times a year. Because of this I did not have the time to foster an animal, let alone own one. In Spring 2020, two major events have changed these circumstances. First, the COVID-19 pandemic meant that I had to cancel all my travels for the year and work from home for several months in a row. Second, I received tenure, and hence I did not feel the same pressing urgency I otherwise would to sacrifice all the time freed up by the cancelled international and commute trips to do even more work. I decided instead to make some room to help animals, even if for a brief time.

I really enjoy seeing kittens grow, heal, play and be happy. The support framework offered by Pet Alliance is a major game changer. Pet Alliance offers superb logistics, veterinary care, education and materials to help make the experience of raising baby animals, which may have special needs, quite manageable. 

I would tell someone interested in fostering that if you have a natural inclination to help animals, have experience with them, can provide (and maintain) a sanitary confined and enriched space within your house, and can afford making the occasional trip to Pet Alliance, you should definitely go for it. Fostering animals is a fulfilling and entertaining experience. It is also conveniently confined to a limited time frame of only a few weeks, as opposed to adoption, which entails a much long-term commitment of years or decades. 

Interested in Fostering?

While Pet Alliance is limiting our volunteer opportunities at the shelter, you can still get involved and help pets by becoming a foster parent!  From adult and senior dogs and cats, as well as kittens and puppies, we need your help in taking care of pets who turn to Pet Alliance while they are at their most vulnerable  — homeless

Please head over to our Foster Parent page to learn more. 

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All Pet Alliance locations are closed Wednesday, January 1.