Declawing Cats

Before you make the decision to declaw your cat, please take into consideration the following. Declawing is not like a manicure. It is serious surgery. The cat’s claw is not a nail as is a human fingernail.  It is actually closely adhered to the bone – so closely adhered, that to remove the claw, the […]

Barking Issues

Learn Why Your Dog Barks It’s perfectly normal and reasonable for dogs to bark from time to time, but continual barking for long periods of time is a symptom of a problem, such as separation anxiety, that needs addressing. Social Isolation, Frustration, or Attention-Seeking Your dog may be barking out of boredom and loneliness if: […]

Cat Aggression

Cat owners sometimes have difficulty understanding why their cats seem friendly and content one minute and may suddenly bite and scratch them the next. Aggressive behaviors are part of normal behavioral patterns of almost any animal species. Types of Aggression Play Aggression Play-motivated aggressive behaviors are commonly observed in young, active cats less than two […]

Your Pet and Your New Baby

Can I Keep My Cat? If you’re pregnant, you’ve probably heard of toxoplasmosis because it can cause serious birth defects. However, toxoplasmosis is a rare disease in the United States and is one that can easily be avoided. While the disease-causing parasite can be found in the feces of cats who ingest raw meat, birds, […]

Inside Dog or Outside Dog

Some dog owners believe that dogs, especially large ones, should be “outdoor only” pets.  We believe that dogs of all sizes are happier, healthier and safer when they can be indoors with their people the majority of the time.  Dogs have a need to be social just like we do. Exercise Some people believe that […]

Cat Safety with Children

Parents must be willing to teach the cat and the child acceptable limits of behavior in order to make their interactions pleasant and safe. Selecting A Cat What age is best? If you have a young child and are thinking of adopting a kitten (less than 1 year old) there are a few things you […]