Holiday Toxins to Pets

‘Tis the season to be jolly but also the season for potentially dangerous toxins for your pet! Follow these tips to keep your pets healthy and safe, and keep the holidays stress free for you. My pet loves to play with the Christmas decorations. Is this safe? While it is hard to resist the temptation […]

Pet Cancer Awareness Month

November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month.  This terrible disease accounts for nearly 50% of all disease-related pet deaths each year.  In fact, pets are diagnosed with cancer at roughly the same rate as humans.  With these statistics we want to ensure you have the information you need to ensure your pet remains healthy and happy. […]

Preventive Healthcare for Cats

We know that most cats do not receive the level of veterinary care that they need and deserve, mostly because they don’t visit their veterinarian frequently enough. These cats are missing out on regular wellness care, and their owners aren’t taking advantage of professional health guidance from their veterinarians, both of which can help extend […]

Protect your furry friend

Many believe that because cats are finicky eaters they are poisoned less often than dogs. However, with their curiosity and fastidious grooming, intoxication is, unfortunately, not uncommon. Factors such as body size, hiding habits and lack of certain liver enzymes can make them more sensitive to poisoning than dogs. Cats can be poisoned a number […]

Happy Holiday with Pets and Guests

By Animal Behaviorist Diane Anderson It’s the holiday season. A stressful time for most of us as we try to cram as much “Fa La La La La” into our lives as we possibly can. But what about the needs of our pets? Are they still being met? Many people may answer ‘No.’ Our pets […]

Take Your Cat to the Vet: It Could Save Their Life

By Medical Director Dr. Becky Rhoades Did you know that cats outnumber dogs as the most popular family pet? Unfortunately, it seems that going to see their veterinarian for a checkup is just not as important as it is with our dogs. But why? Because cats never leave the house or yard, so cat owners […]